• Healthy Snack Options for Sustained Energy

    Where the urgency of work demands and school activities often lead us to neglect our dietary habits, it is essential to consider the quality of the snacks that we consume. Opting for nutritious, low-carbohydrate options not only aligns with a health-conscious lifestyle, but also nourishes our bodies with steady, enduring energy. These snacks are pivotal, particularly when you need an extra surge of vitality to navigate your day or simply wish to maintain a balanced energy level without succumbing to the lethargic dips that high-carb and sugary treats often produce. The Importance of Choosing Low-Carb Snacks The primary advantage of low-carbohydrate snacking lies in its ability to stabilize blood sugar…

  • Identifying Preservatives in Foods

    When it comes to nutritional awareness, it is crucial to recognize that many of the food items we regularly consume are laden with preservatives; often, these are ingested without our knowledge as we might not habitually scrutinize food labels to ascertain the precise constituents we are introducing into our bodies. When you do take the time to examine these labels and find yourself baffled by the complex names that seem more chemical than food, it’s a strong indicator that the item may be packed with preservatives and potentially harmful additives. Preservatives serve as additives that are intentionally included in food products to extend their shelf life. Among the more commonly…

  • Preventing and Treating Sensitive Teeth

    If you’ve ever had a sudden, sharp pang of pain while enjoying a hot beverage or indulging in an ice cream, you are certainly not in the minority. Indeed, approximately one in every eight Canadians are plagued by sensitive teeth. This common dental condition is primarily precipitated by exposure to foods and beverages at extreme temperatures—both hot and cold—as well as those that are notably sweet or sour in flavour. While tooth sensitivity can affect individuals of any age, it is observed with greater frequency among adults. Tooth sensitivity generally indicates that there has been a breakdown in the protective barriers of the teeth; meaning either the enamel has worn…

  • Functional Neurological Disorder

    Understanding Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) necessitates a journey into the complexities of how our bodies and brains communicate. This condition, intricate in its nature, affects the nervous system’s functionality, specifically in how the brain and body send and receive signals. In essence, something goes awry in this communication network, leading to a plethora of symptoms that defy easy categorization under known diseases. FND is multifactorial, meaning it can be sparked by a variety of risk factors, both physical and psychological. These contributing elements can intertwine in a manner that makes it challenging to pinpoint a single cause. The resulting symptoms are undeniably real and can significantly impact an individual’s quality…

  • Yearly Exams and Age-Appropriate Screenings

    In the landscape of preventative medicine, yearly exams are often considered a cornerstone of a proactive health strategy, and serve multiple purposes—from the identification of health issues to the reinforcement of a therapeutic alliance between physician and patient. In Canada, the approach to these examinations and the recommended screenings is tailored to each patient, taking into account a myriad of factors including age, gender, and medical history, thereby ensuring a personalized health care trajectory. The Anatomy of a Yearly Exam: Beyond the Basics At its core, the yearly exam, often dubbed the annual physical, is a comprehensive review of an individual’s overall health status. However, its scope extends far beyond…

  • Total Solar Eclipse: What You Should Know

    On Monday, April 8th, an astronomical event of significant proportions is set to grace the skies above parts of Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes, and the United States, plunging these regions into the path of totality for a total solar eclipse. While this celestial phenomenon will cast its shadow, creating a stunning display, Metro Vancouver and its residents will witness a different spectacle—a partial solar eclipse. Despite the variance in the eclipse’s visual presentation, the importance of safeguarding one’s health remains paramount, transcending geographical boundaries. This extends beyond the commonly advised caution against the direct observation of the sun, encapsulating a broader scope of preparedness and myth-busting to ensure both physical…

  • World Health Day

    On this day, April 7th, we come together globally to observe World Health Day, an annual recognition spearheaded by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1950. This day serves not only as a reminder of the critical importance of maintaining and advocating for good health but also as an impetus for individuals, communities, and nations to reflect on health issues worldwide and to mobilize efforts to address them. In the Canadian context, where health is seen both as a personal responsibility and a societal commitment, World Health Day underscores the multifaceted approach needed to maintain and improve health for all. It is an opportune moment to delve into the significance…

  • Managing Spring Asthma

    As  the first buds of spring begin to appear, many Canadians find themselves looking forward to spending more time outdoors, enjoying the warmer weather. However, for individuals with asthma, the changing seasons can bring about a set of challenges that can affect their ability to enjoy this time of year fully. Spring asthma, as it is commonly referred to, is a condition where asthma symptoms become more pronounced or worsen due to a variety of seasonal triggers. These triggers include pollen from trees, grasses, and flowers, which are abundant in the spring months, as well as changes in temperature and air quality that can accompany the shift from winter to…

  • Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

    When a baby’s brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, it can lead to a serious condition known as Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE). This can happen for a few reasons, such as if there’s not enough oxygen in the baby’s blood, or if the blood isn’t flowing properly to the brain. HIE falls under the larger category of neonatal encephalopathy, which is a fancy term for various conditions that affect newborn babies’ brains. There are other causes too, such as genetic issues, metabolic problems, strokes in newborns, or infections in the mother or baby around the time of birth. These issues can arise before the baby is born, during birth, right after…

  • National Oral Health Month

    April marks a significant time in the calendar for health awareness—National Oral Health Month. This serves as a potent reminder of the pivotal role oral hygiene plays, not merely in safeguarding the mouth’s health but as an integral component of overall wellness. The connection between oral health and general health is deeply intertwined, underscoring the necessity of regular dental exams. Moreover, the practices of flossing and brushing, alongside care for sensitive teeth, are fundamental to maintaining this crucial aspect of our health. The cornerstone of understanding the significance of National Oral Health Month lies in recognizing the profound implications that oral health has on our general wellbeing. Regular dental exams…